File debian.control of Package swig
Source: swig
Section: interpreters
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Torsten Landschoff <>
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Vcs-Svn: svn://
Testsuite: autopkgtest
Build-Depends: dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~),
debhelper (>= 7.0),
default-jdk [!hppa !mips !mipsel !alpha !arm !hurd-i386],
libchicken-dev [!m68k !mips !mipsel],
php-cgi | php5-cgi,
php-dev | php5-dev,
Package: swig
Architecture: any
Depends: swig3.0 (>= ${source:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Multi-Arch: foreign
Suggests: swig-doc, swig-examples
Conflicts: swig2.0
Replaces: swig2.0
Description: Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
SWIG is a compiler that makes it easy to integrate C and C++ code
with other languages including Perl, Tcl, Ruby, Python, Java,
Guile, Mzscheme, Chicken, OCaml, Pike, and C#.
Swig takes a set of ANSI C/C++ declarations and generates an
interface for them to your favorite scripting language.
This is a dependency package providing the stable version of SWIG.
Package: swig3.0
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Multi-Arch: foreign
Suggests: swig3.0-examples, swig3.0-doc
Description: Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
SWIG is a compiler that makes it easy to integrate C and C++ code
with other languages including Perl, Tcl, Ruby, Python, Java,
Guile, Mzscheme, Chicken, OCaml, Pike, and C#.
Swig takes a set of ANSI C/C++ declarations and generates an
interface for them to your favorite scripting language.
Package: swig-examples
Architecture: all
Depends: swig3.0-examples (>= 3.0.0-1), ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: swig2.0-examples
Replaces: swig2.0-examples
Description: Examples for applications of SWIG
This is a dependency package providing the examples of the default
version of SWIG in Debian.
Package: swig3.0-examples
Architecture: all
Depends: swig3.0, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Examples for applications of SWIG
Contains examples for applications of SWIG, a wrapper interface
generator to integrate C code into scripting languages.
Package: swig-doc
Architecture: all
Depends: swig3.0-doc (>= 3.0.0-1), ${misc:Depends}
Section: doc
Conflicts: swig2.0-doc
Replaces: swig2.0-doc
Description: HTML documentation for SWIG
This is a dependency package providing the documentation of the default
version of SWIG in Debian.
Package: swig3.0-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Description: HTML documentation for SWIG
Contains the users' and developers' manuals for SWIG (Simplified
Wrapper Interface Generator) 2.0 in HTML format.