
Request 1016 (accepted)

Add missing roundcubemail template for setup-kolab + applied fix for setup-kolab to not overwrite roundcube configs if template doesn't exist bugzilla #5066

Submit package home:dhoffend:b...lab:3.4:Updates / pykolab to package Kolab:3.4:Updates / pykolab

pykolab.spec Changed
fix-missing-template.patch Added
fix-setup-roundcube.patch Added
debian.changelog Changed
debian.series Changed
pykolab.dsc Changed
Request History
Daniel Hoffend's avatar

dhoffend created request about 9 years ago

Add missing roundcubemail template for setup-kolab + applied fix for setup-kolab to not overwrite roundcube configs if template doesn't exist bugzilla #5066

timotheus's avatar

timotheus accepted request about 9 years ago

looks good