Request 554 (superseded)
Requires/Provides change to match openSUSE packages.
Then we can use packages already shipped with openSUSE, freeing some build powers as well as reducing package conflicts and the number of maintained packages.
- Created by ajaissle over 10 years ago
- In state superseded
- Superseded by 590
- Open review for Admin
- Open review for kolab-developers
Request History
ajaissle created request over 10 years ago
Requires/Provides change to match openSUSE packages.
Then we can use packages already shipped with openSUSE, freeing some build powers as well as reducing package conflicts and the number of maintained packages.
vanmeeuwen declined request over 10 years ago
I don't recall any of the packages in question actually being shipped as part of openSUSE, but I do recall them coming from some slap-on repository somewhere in the public openSUSE build system. If the packages cannot be installed in a single shot (configure kolab repository, install kolab), we'll have to provide them.
ajaissle added review over 10 years ago
You can use to look for packages that are shipped as part of openSUSE.
For example:
-> openSUSE Factory comes with php5-pear-HTTP_Request2 -> openSUSE 13.2 will have this package.
I also set up a project that only uses the available openSUSE-shipped packages plus what is needed to install Kolab:
From the pear-packages, only php5-pear-Net_URL2 and php5-pear-HTTP_Request2 are missing but will be included in the next openSUSE release.
In the package, we use "Requires: php-*" instead of "php5-*" - which one to take doesn't really mater, but as some php packages on SUSE Linux Enterprise can have names like "php52-*" and "php53-*", this is the more general way to require the package.