Request 555 (accepted)
Requires/Provides change to match openSUSE packages.
Then we can use packages already shipped with openSUSE, freeing some build powers as well as reducing package conflicts and the number of maintained packages.
The BuildIgnores, previously added for the build system, do not seem to be needed at all - maybe they have been added to the Project Configuration as they initially should have.
- Created by ajaissle over 10 years ago
- In state accepted
Open review for
Open review for
Request History
ajaissle created request over 10 years ago
Requires/Provides change to match openSUSE packages.
Then we can use packages already shipped with openSUSE, freeing some build powers as well as reducing package conflicts and the number of maintained packages.
The BuildIgnores, previously added for the build system, do not seem to be needed at all - maybe they have been added to the Project Configuration as they initially should have.
vanmeeuwen accepted request over 10 years ago
Sorry, the #!BuildIgnore cruft has to remain or building will fail because of the opensuse build system solver being unable to even approach the native methods of resolving these dependencies.