
Request 782 (superseded)

solves bugs 3652 (&3963?)

Submit package home:goonieb:...b:Development / cyrus-imapd to package Kolab:3.3:Updates / cyrus-imapd




timotheus wrote about 10 years ago

This is a huge change. I am anxious to put my vote on it. Do we want such a huge change on the Kolab Updates channel? Or better wait for Kolab 3.4, and the new version will fix it? If you want a certain bug to be fixed, I guess it is better to find a single patch that fixes it, and apply that only, instead of upgrading the full package?

Daniel Hoffend

dhoffend wrote about 10 years ago

The package works for me. But as timo stated. I don't know what else has changed in this cyrus release. ATM I can only guess. Sure a dedicated patch would be the best solution.

On the other hand, like timo said: 3.3 is around 5 month old and 3.4 is coming next month. If this segfault would be a big dealbreaker for many other users the voices would be much louder.

My guess is: I would rather spend time testing Kolab:Dev to prepare for a clean 3.4 release instead of backporting software that's supposed for the upcoming release.

Good question

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